Marine Reunion Association



A reunion group of former Marines attached to the squadron from it inception in July 1943 to the active duty personnel of the squadron today.

Lynn Hagen, Chairman

12000 First St. W., Watson, MN 56295   lynnhagen@maxminn.net

JimGill, 1st Vice Chairman, Robertsdale, AL

Van McCarty, Executive Committee, Meridian MS

Jerry Rudd, Executive Committee, Mahah, NJ


November 2005 Newsletter

Our annual reunion was held at the Spring Hills Suites on Pensacola Beach, Florida the weekend of September 30, October 1st, 2005.   We had a beautiful hotel located on a white sand beach so white it looked like snow.

            The hotel was recently remodeled after hurricane Ivan, Dennis and Katrina.  All of the hotel was rebuilt with all new furnishings.  The hotel had a pool and hot tub located between the beach and the hotel.   They are dredging the ocean floor several hundred feet offshore and pumping was by a large diameter pipe back onto the beach. The hurricane took the sand from the beach into the ocean. The hurricane also took the sand across the island and deposited it everywhere.  There were piles of sand up to 8 feet tall, looking like snow drifts.  Sand covered the majority of the lawns in the neighborhood.  Some of the homes still had the blue plastic on the roofs and yet others were completely rebuilt.

            The palm trees appeared to be dead, as the people living there said the salt water killed the trees, shrubs and lawns.  Many new small palm trees had been replanted. After the hurricane, Pensacola Beach was closed to the public for 3 months and many small shops that were forced to close have not reopened. The buildings that were water damaged have to have the electrical replaced as it was destroyed by salt water, the ceilings and wall coverings were all removed. The salt water destroyed the wood doors and corroded the door frames in the small businesses.  

            One of the bad things that happened to all of us at Pensacola was a condition called "Red Tide" that happens when the wind is from the southeast and this blows in across the water. It kills fish and causes respiratory problems in people.  It is hard to breathe and your throat hurts anytime you are near the water.

We started out with our annual meeting Friday morning with election of officers, old and new business, financial report, and discussion of where to hold the next reunion.  The past officers were reelected to their positions.

At the banquet, Andy Moynihan, who was accompanied at the reunion with his daughter Lisa, made an offer to have the next reunion in Laconia, New Hampshire.   This was well accepted by those in attendance. Most attendees admitted to having never been to New England.  Lisa told us it is located only two hours north of Boston.  Lisa claims she is experienced with planning this type of event and has promised us a very good time.   Andy is an original member of the squadron when started in 1943.  He worked as a mechanic.

             I have never seen Andy so happy as when we all agreed to come to his home town.

            Due to cost restraints, this year we did not have a bus tour of the area.   Friday after the business meeting, we carpooled to the National Museum of Naval Aviation located at the Naval Air Station, Pensacola.   Some attendees also went there on Saturday to see more.

            There is a F9F Panther jet on display in the museum that was originally flown by pilots in VMF-115 and VMF-311.  For those who have never been to the museum, it contains aircraft of the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard.  As you tour the building, you feel the Marine Corps has more than their share of aircraft with Marine squadrons painted on the aircraft.  Part of the museum is a wood floor made to resemble an aircraft carrier.

            The hand craved wooden squadron plaques that were in the officers club at Cubi Point, Philippine Islands were moved to the museum when the base closed.  This is now a lunch and rest area and squadron displays are hung on all walls, and ceilings.  Again, the Marines seem to have more than their share on display.  This could be due to the fact that the Marines have been continuously stationed in the   West Pacific areas.

            VMF (aw) and VMFA-115 have three different hand engraved plaques hanging in this room. There are plans to expand the museum for the fourth expansion phase.  In the new expansion will be the Navy's largest twin engine piston powered airplane, the Martin P5m/SP-5B "Marlin".

Some of us went into the IMAX Theater to see one or two of the presentations of fighter pilots and the other about aviation starting with the Wright Brothers and ending with the Blue Angels.

            Friday,  Mrs. Peggy Jolly and Lisa Moynihan Hazeltine spent the day shopping and touring different restaurants in the area. They picked up menus for us to decide where to have an evening meal Friday evening.  We decided to go to Flounders, a steak and seafood restaurant and each person ordered off the menu.   We were given a private area and spent the evening getting reacquainted..

            Saturday started off with breakfast courtesy of the hotel.  Then everyone found something special to do in Pensacola. Some went to the air museum. Others went shopping, went to flea markets, and toured the beaches and historical sites of Pensacola.

Saturday evening we did our traditional banquet with a meal of sirloin steak and fish, sweet corn, boiled potatoes, salad and tea catered by "Crabs", a seafood and steak restaurant located near the hotel on Pensacola Beach.

Lisa Moyihan Hazeltine had received several "gifts" from each of the businesses in the area and gave them out at the banquet.

            Lisa gave a gift for the person who came the furthest, who drove the longest distance, was the oldest, the youngest, newest member and a few other similar things.

Our speakers for the banquet were individuals who were part of the squadron during a certain era.  Starting with WWII, Harry Rawlinson spoke on joining the Marine Corps, at the age of 18 in September, 1942.   Harry left with 12 others by train from Alabama to San Diego for basic training. He returned from the Marine Corps to attend college and is 81 years old today.

            Harry told of training at Santa Barbara, a squadron with a Commanding Officer and no airplanes. The CO left after a short time and Joe Foss became the CO. They then trained at Santa Barbara from July 1943 to February 1944. The squadron then left for San Diego to embark on the USS Pocomoke, a seaplane tender for the trip to Espirtu Santo, New Herbrides Island, then moving to the island of Emirau, St. Matthias Island in April 1944. Harry also was with the squadron on the Philippine Islands. Harry stated it rained every day for 8 months on an island made of white coral. They had shared the airstrip with the Air Corps and the Navy.

            Harry told us the island of  Emirau was just 4 miles long with ocean on both sides.  There was a Japanese seaplane at Emirau that was destroyed by Joe Foss.

            In March l945, VMF-115 was loaded on an LST to go to the Philippines Islands. They were on the LST for 2 weeks en route to the Philippines.  They were there to protect the largest fleet of ships for the Philippine invasion. It took six weeks for all the ships to pass.  When it came time to rotate home, they were on the point system, and Harry had 78 points and Gilbert Jolly had 77.  They were rotated back to Cherry Point to get ready for the invasion of Japan. When they heard the news of the atomic bomb, they were happy they did not have to return to invade Japan.

            Gilbert Jolly added a few comments to Harry's about WWII events.   Gilbert said that Joe Foss referred to his men as "My boys", and stated "that my boys are not going back to the South Pacific unless they are fully equipped."  Joe Foss had asked some company for a saw mill and one was delivered and was on the dock when they departed for the West Pacific.  When they arrived overseas, they found they needed a power supply for the mill. The Construction Battalion of the Navy, "Seabees" told Joe they could jack up a vehicle and use the rear wheel for power.

            Joe decided to give the sawmill to the Seabees and they had personnel who knew how to saw lumber and operate the mill. This keep the squadron supplied with lumber, as there was plenty of mahogany and teakwood.

            Joe Foss also brought an ice cream maker along to the Pacific. 

            They were looking for a barber for the squadron and Gilbert had been giving haircuts with an old hand clipper.   He was made barber as a PFC and Joe had brought along a wonderful new pair of clippers for Gilbert.  Joe told Gilbert he could charge so much and keep half the money for himself, and Gilbert sent home his share.

            When Marines were getting haircuts, Gilbert asked them to put their names, home town addresses and other information in his little book. He had the names and addresses of over 200 of the Marines who were in the squadron and 47 years later was able to contact over 1/3 of the squadron.

            Harry Rawlinson and Gilbert decided there should be a reunion.  They made copies of the book, keeping the original himself, and started the process of contacting everyone.   Clyde Brummel in Oregon was one who helped get it started and along with several others it became a reality.  They got 35-40 together and eventually contacted almost all the old squadron mates.

            Gilbert Jolly dropped out of high school to join the Marines, and just last year received his high school diploma.

Gilbert told us that Grumman Aircraft Co, the maker of the F4F aircraft that Joe Foss flew at Guadalcanal, had made a special Grumman aircraft in honor of Joe that had mahogany and teak wood used in the construction of the aircraft.

            Jim Gill told us of the operation during the Korean War.  In 1951 the squadron left Cherry Point to Japan and then to Korea. Jim was in the Marine Corps from 1950 to 1953 and was a mechanic on the F9 Panther and also on the Corsair.

            Lynn Hagen and Joe Drasgow explained the Viet Nam era time for the squadron as they went in Vietnam in 1965 and stayed until the end of the war in Thailand at the Rose Garden, Nam Phong.

            Joe Drasgow explained the squadron leaving Cherry Point, going to Atsugi, Japan and ending up in Vietnam in 1965.  Joe was with the squadron during this time. Joe explained that the squadron had picked up aircraft that were in very poor operational status.

            When the squadron was at Atsugi, Japan, they were going to move the aircraft to Iwakuni, Japan.  They would fly the aircraft to Iwakuni, take off the parts, return to Atsugi, install the parts, and then fly another aircraft to Iwakuni.  They expected this operation to take 3 months, however the squadron accomplished this in 30 days.

The squadron then rotated to Vietnam and during the next several years, rotated back and forth from Iwakuni, Philippines Islands, Okinawa and back to Vietnam.

            The squadron finished the Vietnam War operating from an airstrip with minimum facilities at Nam Phong, Thailand. They had to leave Danang Air Base in Vietnam and leave quickly as the communist forces were moving closer to Danang in June 1972.




            In the history book of VMFA-115, the reason for the move to Thailand was that President Nixon had ordered a reduction of troops in South Vietnam and that the continued enemy progress would jeopardize the security of the Danang Air Base. The Royal Thai Air Base is described in the book as "primitive", it had a little more than a stand-by runway, and only had 4 "nose hangars" for F-111 aircraft and thus the entire squadron had to operate out of the "nose hangars".  

            The name Rose Garden came facetiously from a nickname which came from a Marine Corps recruiting slogan that itself had been taken from a popular song of the time.  It carried the idea that the Marine Corps didn't promise a luxurious life style.



            I am the recipient of several emails from Marines who were at the Rose Garden in Thailand wanting to have some type of reunion. Contacts are:

Henry Ivy < ivygvaz@earthlink.net

Jeff Howell < JDHBEAK@aol.com com

Jake Jacobson < jacobjake@aol.com



More on ‘05 Reunion


Attendees at the reunion were Dorothy Alton who has perfect attendance at the reunions. This year her son-in-law accompanied her from New Jersey. Last year her daughter was with her at Quantico.

            Jim Gill's family were guests at the banquet. They live close to the Pensacola area.

            Carol Ann Egy, of Pensacola Beach, a friend of Swede Larson made an appearance along with Swede's daughter, Theresa.  Carol stated that Swede is buried at the cemetery on the base at Pensacola.

            Don Sypkens from Missouri, an original member in 1943, had Jim Gill as chauffer to pick him up at the airport and return him for his return flight on Sunday. Don has been faithful in attending the reunions.

            Jerry Carpenter and his wife from Port Allen, LA made their first reunion.  Jerry was in the squadron in 1968-69 and worked in the hydraulic shop.

            Terry Williams and his son, Timothy, along with another young friend came from Jacksonville, Florida. Terry was in the squadron from 1978 to 1982 and worked in avionics. The squadron had F4J aircraft during his service.

Terry told us about the squadron's activities at the banquet, including deployment to Iceland in August 1979 in support of the USAF, deployment aboard the USS Nimitz, and USS Forrestal.  They also participated in "Red Flag" and "Top Gun" exercises.   Terry also spent two months off the coast of Lebanon with the squadron in 1981, when they exchanged with the Nimitz in Lebanon waters.

            John Reader drove from Mantua, New Jersey to Pensacola and they planned to spend extra time in Florida visiting friends and taking their time returning home.

            Van and Robin McCarty came from Meridian, MS. Van was in the squadron from 1968 to 1971. Van and his wife have attended several reunions.

            Next year we would like to see everyone come to the reunion in New Hampshire.  To have the most fun, you should contact some of your old buddies you served with and have a "get together" at the reunion.  I can send by email or by US Mail, a copy of the roster that has 700 names of those who served in 115 and you probably can find someone you know who lives in that area of the U.S.

            Being with old friends can make a reunion very enjoyable and you will be meeting new Marine friends.


New and old members we have heard from lately:


Reed J. Vassar, 564 Aspen Road, Newport, TN 37821.   Reed was in the squadron in 1966-67 serving in Danang and Chu Lai in ordnance.  >vassarg@bellsouth.net   423-608-3770.  Some of Reed's friends were Barry Burrinton, from Battleboro, Vermont and Jack Tuttles, Buffalo, New York. We have no information on our roster on these Marines.

            Mike Holland, 804 NW 11th St., Mineral Wells, TX 76067, telephone 940 325 1450.   Was in ordnance in 1958-60.  Mike was with 115 at Atsugi, Japan and remembers the U-2 spy planes in the hangars next door. Mike said the U-2 had the same engine as the F4D Skyray, except the U-2 did not have an afterburner like the Skyray.

            Mike said the Air Force personnel were always trying to scrounge spare parts for their J-57 engines for the U-2.  Mike was in the USMC for 10 years, enlisting during the Korean conflict.  He returned stateside to be stationed at Dallas, and then stayed in the Dallas area after discharge from USMC.   Mike also was in VMFA-122 and VMFA-323 was his first squadron. Mike went on a Med cruise in 1955 with the FJ-2 Fury Aircraft. 

            Mike went to Fort Benning for Army jump school. He joined the army after USMC and did not have to attend boot camp.  He was in Special Forces as a Green Beret, lived in the mountains with the Montagard tribes with 12 other soldiers.  The Green Berets operated out of Okinawa, rotating to Vietnam for 6 months deployments.  He returned to Vietnam 3 years after leaving Vietnam the first time.

            Mike attends the USMC Ordnance Reunion at Cherry Point each year (this includes all ordnance personnel of the Marine Corps).  The ordnance MOS was started in 1925, and April 30th of each year is the ordnance birthday celebrated by the Marine Corps, with a greeting each year from the commandant.   USMC headquarters recognizes this reunion each year.  > dd4802@earthlink.net.  > mikeholland@writeme.com

            Dave Miller spent 1˝ years with 115 at the Rose Garden in 1972-73 and worked in intelligence, S-2. Dave joined 115 at Iwakuni, then to Danang, then at Danang was assigned to Mag 15 level and joined Mag 15 S-2 Intelligence unit.   He joined Mag 15 to stop the invasion as US troops were moving out.  After his West Pacific tour, Dave received orders to Coronado, California and has continued to live and work in the San Diego area.  > dmiller@lodamsd.com  619-435-4902.

            Bruce Waite lives in Zellwood, Florida, was in the Pacific area in 1966, 67, and 1968, serving in Iwakuni, Thailand, and Vietnam with 115. Bruce was also in VMFA-312, VMFA-231, and VMA- 324.  In addition to being in the air wing, he was in the infantry in 1972. Bruce has been stationed at the Rose Garden, Chu Lai, Danang and Phu Bai, Vietnam.

Bruce tells of Major Duffy who was killed when his aircraft had a midair collision with a South Vietnamese Observation aircraft. Major Duffy's RIO ejected ok.

            Kevin Simpson from Pahahrump, Nevada, served with 115 from March 1971 to June 1972 as a plane captain. He also served in VMFA-323 at Chu Lai in 1968.

            Darrel Spike from Buffalo, MN saw our reunion notice in the VFW magazine. Darrel was with the squadron in 1971-72 as a Data Analysis.  Darrel served in Philippines, Okinawa, Iwakuni, and Danang.    612-221-3897. > Amos1dds@charter.net

            Norm Croteau was originally in VMFA-314 at Chu Lai in 1966-67.  He then extended in country and went on his 30 day leave. Upon returning to Vietnam, Norm became a member of VMFA-115 for his second in country tour of duty. Norm lives at 70 Stonehouse Road, Amston, CT  06231   > normancroteau@sbcglobal. net

            Larry Carter, no information other than an email request for information on the reunion.  > camelotlm@hotmail. com     

            Jim W Thompson was in VMF (aw) 115 from December 1955 to May 1959.  His MOS was 6441 and 6442, metal shop and hydraulics.  Jim joined 115 after "A" school in Memphis in 1955 and joined 115 at El Toro, when the squadron had the F9F-5 Panthers.   He was with the squadron when they received the first F4D Skyways in June 1956. He was at MCAS Mojave to do approximately 160 changes to the F4D.  Jim then went with the squadron to Atsugi, Japan for 4 months in February, 1958, and then went on to Ping Tung, Formosa.  Jim stayed there until May 1959 and was released from USMC at Treasure Island.  His CO was Lt. Col. Hap Langstaff in Japan and Formosa.   Jim lives at P.O. Box 793, Wrangel, AK  99929-0793

Garth  (G.D. ) Douglas was with the squadron from 1956-59 as a mechanic, and check crew leader.  Garth spent 10 years in USMC, joining during the Korean War, and then was with the 7th Marines in Korea.           

            In the late 50's he was at El Toro, California, Atsugi, Japan and Taiwan.  Garth also saw the U-2s of the Air Force at Atsugi, Japan. Garth left Taiwan in 1959 for discharge though Japan to U.S.

            Garth had been in contact with his former CO, Lt. Col Harold "Hap" Langstaff who was CO at El Toro in 1956-59.  Garth said he is now 84 years old and living in Sacramento, CA, retiring in 1962 after serving in WWII, and Korea.

            Garth spent 20 years working in Alaska, recently returning to Montana.   Garth lives next door to Glacier National Park on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation.  P.O. Box 2052, Browning, MT  59417     406-338-7789  < deloresgarth@yahoo.com  

            Bob Mathews, 14888 SW 111th St., Dunnellon, Florida 34432.   352-489-3512. His name was given to us by Tom Flanik.   

            Jimmye L Jones served four tours with 115. Jimmye was with the squadron at Cherry Point in 1962-65, then again at Atsugi, Japan in 1965-66, then Vietnam in 1966, and the again in Vietnam in 1969.   Jimmye was in ordnance and is retired from USMC as GySgt.

> jimmyej@cox.net   6 Vance Street, Greenville, NC 252-752-7196.

            Mike A. Gianetti (plane captain 61-64) sent a nice note telling of his time in USMC.  Mike got his boot camp platoon formed up again and had a reunion 4 years ago. It was Platoon 182- Parris Island- 1960. They are now planning the 4th reunion at MCB Quantico in August 2006.  Mike joined the Marines in August, 1960, and after ITR, Air Fam, he wound up in Mag 24 at Cherry Point. There he met Art Larsen who was then an E-5 and 115 had just returned from Iwakuni and Mike and several others were transferred to 115 from H&MS-24 in 1961. Mike stayed with 115 until his separation in August 1964.  Mike still stays in touch with Art Larsen. Mike said that his time in the Corps was a big part of his life, lots of beer, girls, buddies, tears, and growing up.  He made a Med cruise, went to Cuba, and went TAD to NAS Boca Chicakey, basically living out of a sea bag.  Mike lives at 44 Camden Road, Hillsborough, NJ   08844  908-874-5513    > gman115@patmedia.net

            John W. Creahan, 95 Winston Road, Buffalo NY   14216 dropped a line with his dues.  Telephone number is 716-834-9754 and winter address from Nov to May is 2117 Tama Circle #101, Naples, FL 34112.    239-732-5208.    John was a pilot in VMF-115 from December 1944 to February 1946, serving in the Philippines Islands and Peiking, China. John attended the reunion at Santa Barbara in 1993.  

            Ed Zechowski, 23712 Elmira, St. Clair Shores, MI 48082 was at Nam Phong, Thailand in 1975 and worked in safety equipment.  Ed was also with VMGR-152 in Danang in 1967.

            Bruce Poley sent a note with his dues. He was in 115 from September 1972 to August 1973 while the squadron was in Nam Phong, Thailand.  He was a squadron pilot and was one of the officers in the admin section and later was the adjutant.   1400 Yount St., Fort Collins, CO 80524    > poley7@comcast.net

             WWII Glen Whitney, an original member of 115 sent back a post card sent along with his newsletter. Glenn lives at Petaluma, California and was in ordnance in 1943-45.

            WWII Harold Adams, 68 N 8th St., Box 383,  Fruitport, MI  49415    231-865-6156.  Harold served with VMF-115, Mag 12 at Santa Barbara to Zamboango, Mindonao, Philippine Islands from 1943-45. His job duties were with the engineering group (major repair of aircraft).

            George L Wineries, West Melbourne, FL dropped a note with his dues and wanting a roster.  Glen "Ace" Whitney joined 115 in 1948 at Ewa, Hawaii, and returned to Edenton, NC where the first jets were delivered. Glen was sent to Korea in 1954.  > gwineriter@cfi.rr.com

            Tom Kelly, 214 Hollywood Blvd, Havelock, NC 28532 dropped a note with his check stating he was in 115 in 1964 to 1967, went with the squadron to Japan, then to Danang, Vietnam in 1965.  Tom was a RIO and retired in May 1974. > kellyklan@ec.rr.com



New additions to the roster from Mike Holland:

Milton Casey, 3441 Foot Bridge CV, Memphis, TN 38133 was in Radar in 1958-61.

Vic Deitz, 2529 E. Forest Drive, Newport, NC  28570   Squadron Ordnance Officer at Chu Lai 1968-69



Dan Williams   >dmwill3@insightbb. com 

Harry Rawlinson   >Rawlinson5@aol.com

William Hazelrigs  >lhazelrigs@yahoo.com

Michael A Gianetti  >gman115@parmedia.net


REUNION 2006 WILL BE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE, HOSTS WILL BE ANDY MOYIHAN (1943-45) AND HIS DAUGHTER LISA. Andy lives in Laconia, just north of Concord and Manchester.   Keep this in mind as we need better attendance at reunions to justify keeping the reunion operating.  



VMFA-115 on Marine Corps Association 2006 Calendar

The Marine Corps Association new calendar for 2006 has a VMFA-115 F-18 aircraft for the month of March. The F-18's and their plane captains are shown on the flight deck of the USS Harry S. Truman awaiting catapults during the time period of March 10, 2005.  Anyone wanting a calendar should contact the Marine Corps Assn. at Box 1775, Quantico, VA 22134   1-866-622-1775 and the web site is www.mca-marines.org.


            History of Marine Aviation taken from the newsletter of 1st MAW, Mag-24 WWII Bomber's Newsletter written by Tom Brown. The story is how fast Marine Corps aviation grew in WWII.

            The day before Pearl Harbor the Marine Corps had 204 aircraft. The Japanese had more than double the fire power on one aircraft carrier than the entire Aviation Unit of the Marine Corps.

            In June 1940 Congress had authorized the Navy's expansion to 10,000 planes with the Marine Aviation's allotment to expand to 1,167 planes. One June 30, 1941, the Marine Corps had 2 Marine Air Wings and 2 Marine Air Groups.  One group in each wing, there was a total of 505 pilots, 453 commissioned and 52 enlisted pilots.

            According to numbers reported in "History of Marine Aviation", the Marines reached their peak in June 1944 with 10,416 commissioned pilots and 41 enlisted pilots.

            In maximum air personnel, the Marine Corps reached their peak in January, 1945 when the total reached 125,162. By the wars end there were 5 Marine Air Wings, 32 Marine Air Groups. When the war broke out there were 11 squadrons, none fully staffed, and at war’s peak on Sept. 30, 1944, there were 145 fully staffed squadrons.

            At the war’s end, the Japanese had 10,700 aircraft held in reserve in Japan with 18,600 pilots left to defend the home islands. At the end of the war, the Japanese possessed stocks of more than 1,000,000 barrels of fuel.

            The Japanese plan was to fly a wave of 300-400 kamikaze aircraft against the ships every hour. The prediction was they would sink 90 ships and damage 900.


Editors Corner

Reunion next year in New Hampshire. The following year we will try for San Diego or another area on the West Coast.   WE NEED PEOPLE TO HELP SET UP THESE REUNIONS. 

            We are one of few VMFA squadrons from Korea and Vietnam to have reunions by ourselves.  Other squadrons have joined up with Marine Corps Aviation Assn. or First Marine Air Wing Assn. or some type of similar group.

            Some Marines of this squadron have get togethers or reunions of a small group specially for where they were stationed together or a specific time slot.

            I need to know if this organization wants to keep having reunions and if so, how to get more attendance.

Our reunion attendance wasn't very good. It didn't help to have the governor of Florida tell everyone living there not to use gasoline except to go to and from work.  This caused of several cancellations.  The hurricanes of the past year - Ivan, that was followed immediately by another hurricane, Dennis, then followed by Katrina - almost killed our attendance.   We will plan in the future to stay away from hurricane season and hurricane areas.

            Anyone on the west coast who would like to help with the reunion, please let me know.   We don't want to see this organization die.   We need attendance.  The WWII Marines started this reunion and we should do our best to keep it alive with donations, dues of $10 a year that are slow to come in, and offers of help setting up reunions.  California or Arizona would work wonderfully for 2007.

            Past experience tells us not to even think about Los Vegas, as that was attempted and scrapped due to the excessive cost involved.

            A tentative date for the reunion is being planned for September 28-30, 2006 weekend.  Lisa is working on getting the hotels and other reunion requirements at this time.

            If you find out about a member of this organization being deceased, please let me know, and I will take their name off the mailing list and put a notice in the next issue.

                                         Semper Fi

                                                      Lynn Hagen